Our team includes leading NTG experts in the country, serving as authors of NTG protocols in Arkansas, Massachusetts, Illinois, and California. These protocols have been used not only to guide NTG policy and approaches within those states, but utilized elsewhere as examples of best practices. We frequently design and implement process, impact, and spillover/freerider survey batteries for a variety of clients.
Our team has substantial expertise in estimating measure and market baselines, with particular expertise in lighting, appliances, multifamily, and commercial/industrial. Members of our team have developed methods for determining industry standard practice (ISP) and common practice baselines.
Apex has managed billing analysis for three Energy Trust of Oregon smart thermostat evaluations, we have designed and led billing analysis to determine heating loads for the Colorado Gas utilities and Spire, and overseen billing analysis for behavior programs in Arkansas and for Nicor Gas.
We have conducted engineering-based savings estimation for lighting, water savings devices, appliance recycling, and home appliances. Also, because we have an oversight role managing evaluations in Arkansas and Massachusetts, we can support clients in a multi-faceted way.
Our team has expertise in reviewing program delivery processes, including extensive experience with logic models, program delivery, and customer journey mapping. For example, we managed two benchmarking studies for one client that looked at the relationship of program design (e.g., incentive levels, upstream vs. downstream approach) and program efficacy (participation levels) for residential new construction and small business programs.
Members of the Apex team have served as lead authors for TRM measures (including residential and commercial lighting, appliances, water saving devices, and advanced thermostats) in Arkansas, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts, plus serve on the Technical Advisory Committee for the Illinois TRM.
Apex has conducted primary and secondary research investigating participant and non-participant behavior and market dynamics. Our market assessment work has included investigations of:
Market actor awareness and knowledge
Perceived value of energy efficiency measures
Pricing and incremental cost
Establishing targets and key progress indicators within markets to identify program influence in the markets.
Our senior team members each have more than 10 years of experience designing and conducting energy efficiency evaluations across multiple sectors and measures. We have conducted engineering analyses for determining energy savings for program administrators and state commissions throughout the U.S.
Some highlights include: