Lauren Gage
Lauren Gage

Lauren is a Principal at Apex, where she leverages her unique experience as both an evaluation consultant and an evaluation manager at a large program administrator. She has over 16 years in the energy industry, most recently as the Evaluation Lead at Bonneville Power Administration.
At Bonneville, Lauren designed evaluation policies, developed evaluation strategies and managed consulting contracts of over $8M during her 10-year tenure. Lauren managed the impact and process evaluation activities across all sectors, including project, contract and budget management. At Bonneville, she co-led the development of technical policies for resource, portfolio and program planning. She has extensive experience in stakeholder processes for research projects and participated in many regional and national committees, including Regional Technical Forum (voting member), SEE Action EM&V subcommittee (co-chair), IEPEC (planning committee member), and the Bonneville representative for the Conservation Resource Advisory Committee and NEEA’s Cost-effectiveness Advisory Committee.
Prior to joining Bonneville, Ms. Gage was a Project Director at Quantec, LLC (later Cadmus), where she managed projects with budgets up to one million dollars. She led teams to estimate potential for energy efficiency, demand response, renewables, and emerging technologies. Her qualitative research expertise includes survey design and implementation, stakeholder and customer interviews, best-practices studies and market assessments for multiple clients. She conducted impact evaluations for various energy efficiency programs including low-income weatherization, commercial and residential lighting, and adult and school-aged energy education.
Lauren holds a BA in economics, graduating manga cum laude from Northwestern University, and a MS in economics from Portland State University. Contact Lauren.