Energy Efficiency and Electrification
Understanding how buildings use energy to develop strategies and plans and evaluate impacts.
Apex is a nationally recogized leader in forecasting, load shape development, program planning, market research, and evaluation of programs affecting building energy use. We investigate barriers, coest-effectiveness, technologies, as well as future grid and natural gas impacts of building upgrades.

Focus Areas
​Engineering analyses:
EE programs and measures
Beneficial electrification measures​​​​​​​​​​​​
Statistical analyses:
New construction
Smart thermostats
Innovative rate designs
Electrification & fuel switching
Building Electrification:
Program planning and strategy
Market research
Load shape development

Topics We Address
Energy, demand, and non-energy impacts
Impacts timing, grid impacts​​​​
Energy and demand impacts
Factors are influencing consumer behavior
Program optimization opportunities
Creating an electrification strategy
Electrification technology characterization
Barriers assessment
Grid impacts

Analysis Toolkit
TRMs, deemed savings database management
Load shape development
Building simulation
Metering study design
Cost effectiveness for fuel switching and DERs
Experimental and quasi-experimental design
Pooled and site specific billing analysis
AMI analysis
Telemetry analysis (e.g., thermostat, electric vehicle)
Building load disaggregation
Regression analysis and machine learning
Cost-effectiveness models
Heat pump models
Building simulation
Program planning tool
Surveys, interviews, and focus groups