Michelle Pham
Ms. Pham is an analyst at Apex Analytics, where she brings a qualitative methodological approach to research. Most recently, she developed strong interviewing and focus group moderation skills conducting research and evaluation to help improve the quality and delivery of public sector services in California. As a program evaluator, she measured organizational fidelity to programs, assessed internal obstacles to achieving desired outcomes, and compared desired to actual program and grant output. In addition to specializing in qualitative research, she has experience conducting and assisting with mixed methods research, such as social science studies on organizational culture and other topics at the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research.
Michelle is adept in using research to increase program effectiveness and impact, as well as aiding with program implementation. She is proficient in conducting interviews and focus groups, protocol design, analyzing qualitative data and using programs such as: Stata, MaxQDA, Atlas.TI, Excel, and R. 
Ms. Pham holds a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from Rice University, and is a current student at DePaul University’s Masters in Human Computer Interaction program, training her in product design, user research and evaluating product usability.